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The only recognised and successful measure to contain a population in the long term is to neuter wild dogs and cats while they remain on the territory.


This virtually ensures that no other animal can take its place during the remaining life of the animal!


Through regular castration campaigns, it is ideally possible to make a complete population infertile.

This also prevents a possible increase in the population through the abandonment of dogs/cats and/or immigration from outside; the problem could be solved within one animal generation.


The success of consistent neutering campaigns can be seen after a short time, especially in remote areas and on islands.


The most important measure to be able to reduce the number of rescue operations is castration, castration and more castration, especially of free-living dogs and cats. 

This is the only way to curb the uncontrolled reproduction of the animals.

Under the direction of the ANIMAL RESCUE RODOS with team leader George Kritikos, regular castration campaigns have been carried out at the animal shelter in the municipality since 2023.

For this, we urgently need your help!

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